Monday, July 5, 2010

Layman's Alchemy

I heard this term (layman's alchemy) in a book I just finished reading and it struck something inside of me. I like the idea of everyday magic, or layman's alchemy. Some sort of magic that exists around us everyday if we're open and receptive to it. Some people, I guess, might considerate it a sort of faith, whether it be in God, life, people, chocolate, whatever. Others may view it like fate or signs, omens that good - or bad - things are happening. I like that. I don't have much organised religion in my life but I do believe in magic. And fate. And destiny. And maybe even God, whoever that may be.

I suppose that everyday magic could also be the simple fact of being open to our instincts. It's hard in this day and age (gee, do I sound like a grandma???) to take the time to follow our insticts, listen to what our heart, or soul, tells us. So often we are second guessing ourselves, not trusting what it is that we, as individuals, believe to be true and right. Too often do we find ourselves trying to live up to other people's expectations or caring what others may think of us to follow our own dreams and desires. And sometimes, we just don't listen to ourselves enough that we don't even know what those dreams and desires may be. There's no reason to limit them. Dream big people!

Sometimes I think that meeting my husband was magic. It all happened so quick, a sort of whirlwind that took us, and most of our friends and family by surprise. We were engaged only six months after we met, then married a year later. It was crazy, intense, completely irrational. It was also perfect and magic. Since then, the magic has continued to grow with our two beautiful and precious children. Having the time at home with them gives me the opportunity to reflect on the everyday magic that surrounds us. Ours is not a rushed life. It is not an overly busy one, nor one filled with high levels of stress. Although some days I'd give anything for a large G&T and a cigarette. But it is perfect. Just the way I like it. I wouldn't change a single thing about it.

Being a mum for the first (and second) time has been a magical time, but for a lot of it my instinct has been uncooperatively quiet. Before I had my son I'd never been around babies, never held one, never changed one, had no idea how to soothe or comfort one. Any instinct I may have had for child rearing was long buried under the more important survival instincts of what colour to dye my hair and which shoes I should wear with which skirt. And yet, somehow, here I am. Daily surrounded by magic. Layman's alchemy. Magically I have swapped my hair dye and nail polish for nappies and wonder suits (well not really, I still dye my hair and paint my nails) and I'm so lucky that I have the chance to watch even more magic unfold everyday before my eyes. Watching my children grow and learn is the most beautiful, precious thing I could ever have imagined.

Today my daughter had her first set of immunisations. Oh the pain!! The poor little thing looked more afronted than anything else, I thought my heart was going to explode for her as I held her shaking little body in my arms. She turned her head toward my chest and nuzzled me for comfort (and probably milk too) and I comforted her. On pure instinct.

Keep your eyes open to it. There's plenty of crap and pain on the news, plenty of reality on the tv, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about magic, real soul-turning, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling layman's alchemy. It's out there, I promise. You know it. You might call it déjà vu, or premonition. You might have felt an undescribable feeling to pause and wait thus narrowly missing a car accident. A feeling that you've met someone before, or have an instant bond or connection with someone you've only just met. Trust it. Acknowledge it. It's everyday magic.

Oh and for those of you who are wondering, the book I read was Blackberry Wine by Joanne Harris. A definite must if you need to get away from it all and find a little slice of magic for an hour or two.

Kirsty x

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