Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The not-so healing properties of milk

They say that Cleopatra had fantastic skin and looked like she was 16 even when she was actually 104 all due to her milk baths. The healing properties and anti-aging properties in milk baths have long been known. The French believe it gives you firmer, softer skin. Well in that case, I should be looking like this:

That's because I've been spewed on more times in the last two months than the floor of a pub. And yet, I'm still looking more like this:

Hmmm, perhaps because it's breastmilk and not cow's milk. I'll have to look into that. I also wonder if Cleo washed it off, or perhaps a milk bath doesn't give that curdled smell that regurgitated breast milk gives. And I've geard regurgitated formula is even worse.

We've also entered into the age of poo-namis. Those of you who have kids know what I'm talking about. The poos that go all the way up the back, out the legs and if you're really lucky up the front too and onto you whilst you're feeding. Love those ones! I know it's a small consolation that everything is working as it should, but is it really that necessary? Especially at 4.07 am in the middle of winter?

I gave Nico a haircut this morning. Last time I gave him one he looked like David Spade in Joe Dirt but this time I used the Captain's clippers. Much better. Check out this cutie-patootie....

Ok so not the best pic especially with the mouthful of banana, but the hair is an improvement, trust me (wouldn't you trust this person?)

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