Sunday, June 27, 2010


Those of you who know me were probably a bit suspicious about the whole "I haven't been on here for ages because of playgroups and baking" line and you'd be right to suspect my lame excuse. Both babes go to bed at about 6-6.30 so what exactly have I been doing with my time? Well, it's funny you should ask. The Captain and I have become obsessed (as we tend to do because tv is so crap) with the first season of Fringe. Now for those of you who don't know the tv show that's ok because I'm going to tell you about it.
Agent Olivia Dunham is an FBI agent working in Boston for a special unit. After a series of 'unexplained' crimes occurs (very X-Files I know!) she becomes privy to some information regarding The Pattern. This is what the head honchos are calling these strange occurences. Anyway with her crack pot team of Dr Walter Bishop (one of the funniest and complicated characters I've seen on tv in ages!!) - newly released from a mental institution after 17 years, his son Peter Bishop (also quite funny and of course, a genius who forged his way into MIT) and another Agent, Astrid Farnsworth (quite a cute character but pretty minor) Olivia unravels many mysteries and solves weird crimes. Most of them are linked back to a pharmaceuticals company called Massive Dynamic. It just so happened that Walter and the head of MD William Bell used to be lab partners a hundred years ago - convenient I know :) It also happens that whenthey were doing some testing on children 30 years ago, guess who got tested?? If you guessed Olivia you'd be right - (if you guessed Astrid, I already told you she's a minor character, pay attention!) Anyway Olivia was 3 years old when she was injected with a drug known as Cortexepham (or some such spelling) which apparently was meant to unleash her full potential, which in this case means travel to alternate realities. It is, I know, sounding very X-Files - meets Supernatural - meets Buffy (Olivia is blonde and can handle herself quite well in a fist fght), but with the added dimension of scientific and technological explanations, which I suppose if you don't know anything about that sort of thing (like me) makes it much more believable. Anyway, we've just finished watching season 1 and I'm totally ready for season 2. So that's where I've been hiding every night after 6.

I got a letter from the hospital the other day asking if I would help them with a trial for a new flu vaccine for babies and infants. They wanted to use my two month old daughter. Now I probably would have said no anyway (I know it's important to do the testing, but really who let's someone test on their baby???) but after my two week dose of Fringe and seeing what testing at a young age can do I sent back a resounding NO to them. And a copy of Fringe, season 1.

On a different note I've got a cold. A real humdinger. The kind that makes my voice sound like my alter ego Lionel, the chain-smoking transvestite and my nose drip like a tap. Which really leaves me with two options, constantly drippage or pieces of tissue stuffed up my nose (which entertains my son to no end - and no, blowing my nose as required like a normal person is not an option running after two kids). It actually reminds me of an episode of Fringe where the victim's brains liquified. Got the visual?

Only one week to go til school holidays - yippee!! Can't wait. Am already planning fun family days that cost little to no money. Is 10 degrees really too cold to go to the park??
Don't forget to check out Fringe if you're into Sci Fi tv with a humour factor to it.

Kirsty x

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