Saturday, June 26, 2010

Times of usurption (is that a word?)

Oh my goodness, I can't believe that during my return to bloggerland after a 35 year absence I forgot to comment on the big news that's been rocking us here in the 'berra (and probably the country, although I'm not too sure) during this last week. And no I'm not talking about the never ending debate about roo culling, although that is one tough issue around here. I'm talking about the loss of our not-so-revered leader, Kevin Rudd. And for those of you living under a rock, no he did not die, although I'm sure the poor bloke felt like it. He was overturned by his own people and replaced with deputy prime minister Julia Gillard. Now truly this is an auspicious moment for the Australian people - a female prime minister. I'm sure that blogs all over the internet have been buzzing with commentaries on this occurence and I'm going to throw my two cents worth in too. Only because my political opinion is widely respected around here. To tell the truth I feel really sorry for the guy. Mum and I were talking about it today and the truth of the matter is, he wasn't corrupt, he didn't make any monumental mistakes, he just sort of lost his way. And as this is an election year surely his own party members could have waited til the election had been called before presenting a new leader. I don't know if any of you saw his speech but goodness me it was heart wrenching. Very sad stuff. Poor bloke. I only hope Jules is aware of the position she now holds, not everyone will be happy with what can be construed ultimately by some (I'm being very diplomatic aren't I??) as a betrayal.

On a different note, toddler boy has begun exercising his right to not sleep in a sleeping bag or a nappy for that matter during his day time sleeps. We have yet to have any number 2 incidents during the time that I insist I stay in his cot, pantless and cold (I'm a tough mummy) but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he exacts his revenge on me. No really, he seems quite content in there, revelling in his freedom, his naked glory bare for all the world (or at least his stuffed animals) to see. Perhaps someone should suggest such liberating and joyful practices to poor old Kevin.

I've just been informed that the new season of Doc Martic is on and baby girl has been asleep for like 5 hours and probably needs some form of sustenance, so better dash. Chin up Kevin, console yourself with these wise words from my dear mother - "Are the Australian people really so stupid that they would have voted for Tony Abbott?" Probably not, mother, probably not.

Ciao -

Kirsty x

PS did I mention how glad I am to be back??

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