Saturday, June 26, 2010

Unexpected surprises

Well who knew? You go away for a few weeks, spend some time with the kids, reading and stuff and you come back and Blogger has finally figured out that the templates and backgrounds they had were just plain boring!! I've had lots of fun playing with the new ones, as you can tell by my super-pretty new blog! The only problem is I don't like where the title is. I'd really prefer it in the middle. Any suggestions on how to centre it?

Anyway, life here has been pretty busy, you know with a new babe and all. And even though she's a trooper at sleeping during the night (only wakes for one feed!), she hasn't quite got the daytime napping down so well. Not that I'm complaining, ha! I'm terribly grateful for the night time sleeps :) But we've been busy with playgroup and just settling into some sort of routine with just me and the kids (while X is at work). Mum's down this weekend so while baby girl naps, she's hanging with big boy. So I get a chance to play on here. Actually I really did log on to do some writing, but you know me and distractions...What was I saying again? Oh right, writing.

I made the monumental decision to start a third novel the other day. I know, I know, finish the first one already! Good news is I'm back onto the original one, or rather the latest original one. For Tomorrow We May Die, which is also enjoying the new working title of Bad Omens (not quite as original but certainly less of a tongue twister!) - let me know which one you prefer. It's pretty much all planned out in my head now, which is a really novel idea. I like it. Having an idea of where the story is going (and perhaps leading into a second one) makes the writing much easier.

I've also discovered some interesting new websites on historical fiction. Once I've sussed them out a bit more I'll blog about them.

Projects at the homestead are well underway also. I've been doing some odd bits and pieces, painting and scrapping mostly. I got an awesome old wooden chair which I spray painted beautiful cherry red and I gotta tell ya, spray painting is the way to go! Check it out:


It's soooo much easier than using paint and a brush (although not as much fun for toddler boy!) and the end result is much cleaner and shinier! Love it!!

Well, better dash and get some dinner ready, baths done, etc etc. I must say though, it's good to be back :)

Ciao for now ,

Kirsty x

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love the red chair, and I'll definitely be trying my hand at spray paint in the future.