Friday, August 29, 2008

Teeth, House hunting and the great American (sic) novel!

Ok folks, I'm sure you're all wondering, perched breathlessly on the edge of your seats, when the next post is going to hit your screen. Well here it is. And I must say, this writing thing is a bit harder than I anticipated. So, initially I was just writing off the cuff, whatever came to mind. I have discovered that this is a bit hard and so I've been spending a bit of time writing a plan. Beginning, middle and end. And of course character names. I had some great names picked which the Captain thought didn't sound very Australian. He suggested the name Camden Downs for my main character. I really appreciate his input :p
So I've been doing a bit more research but (and I'm going to blame the baby for this one, because really that's what they're there for!!) the writing part of the novel has slowed down. My baby boy has decided that sleep is for babies and he's now an adult! And I don't care what people say but I'm sure he's teething because he's cranky as a bull with a bee in it's bonnet (or some cliche to some such effect). That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Well not my whole story or else this blog would be redundant now. But I'm feeling hopeful. The Captain has taken some leave from work so I'm seeing a bit more free time in my future. Except, of course, for the fact that we need to travel three hours away, probably weekly, to find a house. That's right reader, we are moving. To be closer to the action. And I'm sure being in the big smoke is only going to be fuel for the burning log that is my novel. So stay tuned, don't give up on me just yet because really, as Babs herself said it - We've only just begun...

1 comment:

EuroTrash said...

A reference to Barbara? You're my hero already Ms K.V. And Camden Downs? Pffffffft. Oh GH - what a joke. Leave the writing to K.V.
