Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to K.V. Writes!

Well after much deliberation, a few false starts, hours of brainstorming with my gorgeous husband and the inspiration of one dedicated blogger I have finally decided to set up my own blog. I'll be using this blog as a storyboard for the novel I intend to start writing. It is my first novel and as a teacher I am aware that it is not the easiest thing in the world to do!!

Anyway, I am at home looking after my first beautiful child and have decided that now is the right time to start writing. Hope you will come back and visit and see how much I progress each day - ok, daily might be a bit optimistic but if I have something to keep me accountable I might actually get some writing done!!



Lisa said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm so glad you have decided to start a blog. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your book.

EuroTrash said...

Oh Ms K.V.!!! This is tremendous indeed!!! I am so impressed about this idea of blogging whilst writing - I look forward to following your progress through these hallowed electronic pages...

Much love from the most apathetic blogger of all time,
