Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A planned moment of frustration

Hello reader (as I don’t dare to believe that there may be more than one of you). You will be pleased to know that I have finished the plan for the great epic that is my novel. I have also written three pages (OK I use the word ‘epic’ lightly) and decided on names for the main characters. My son has sprung teeth and last night decided at 1.30 that he would rather be awake so I drew the short straw and sat up with him. I used this time wisely however. Instead of switching on the always alluring infomercials I thought about the novel. And there are some things I need to clear up.
One die hard fan has already written to me asking about the book. So here are some answers. It is not going to be set in the other world of Sion as it was going to be originally. It is set here on earth, albeit in a different time. There are no orcs or goblins or trolls, but there are some new and unusual creatures. I don’t want to give too much away because then you might not come back. My intended audience is the teenager group (of whom there are none that read this blog – great start KV!!!) So I really need to generate some interest out there amongst this group. But not just yet, I’ll wait til there is some meat on the skeletal frame that is the novel so far.
OK because this keyboard keeps sticking every time I press the space bar, I’m about to throw something I’m so frustrated so I’m going to sign off now.


EuroTrash said...

Keep at it KV! I wanna see some of this masterpiece when I gets me back to Sydderney... Love reading about your trials and tribulations (and successes too!!) in writing this, so keep posting often!

WIth much love,

A Dedicated Reader

Teaching Tips said...

I'm looking forward to hearing how your book is coming along.