Friday, November 7, 2008

Book wine carton - handle with care

It's amazing the obstacles and inspirations that inhabit a writer's world. For example I am sitting in a room that still smells like wet dog, having finally gotten my son to nap and quickly checked my Facebook. There are piles of boxes around me patiently waiting to be unpacked, yet I am diligently ignoring so that I might have some time to write. It's been a while, but I have been jotting down notes and the story continues to evolve, and de-volve sometimes (if that is such a word - hey I'm a writer I can make up my own words now :)), in my mind.
I have read recently two very inspiring books. One was 'The People of the Book' by Geraldine Brooks and the other was 'Dirt Music' by Tim Winton. I'm quite pleased with myself for having read these books as they are both by Australian authors and as I am a generation y-er most of my literary delights (and indeed most of my pop culture) comes from the US of A. So having read these two books AND being inspired by them is a cheerful occurrence. Now I don't intend my little novel to reach anywhere near the heights of literary genius that these two books did, in fact I'll be pleased if mine ends up in the 3 for $10 box at the Newsagents, at least I'll be published. Of course though a nomination for the Man Booker, or what the hey, Pulitzer prize would be just as lovely. Aim for the stars right?
I found the number of a woman named Jan at the local shops claiming to be a "super nanny;" I haven't yet brought myself to call her but she lingers quietly in the back of my mind. Think it might be best if we concentrate on settling in here first. I'm actually quite excited today as BB and I are heading to the beach. Our first foray into a whole new world of rashy vests, sunscreen and sand in our pants (or nappies for some). Can't wait.
So don't worry, I'm back on track and have found if I breath very shallowly in this room and every five minutes or so stick my head out the window so I don't hyperventilate, it's quite a nice place to write.
Ciao xx

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hope you had fun at the beach. I'm curious to see if you decide to pursue the "super nanny" (and if you could give her my number when you're done that would be great!) Summer