Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Bitter-Sweet Agony of Interruptions

Buenas días amigos!

Yesterday morning the Captain,our son and I went out for breakfast. We went to a little place called "San Churro Chocolateria" and it was the sweetest place ever! And by sweet I mean, chocolate!!! We had traditional, Spanish thick hot chocolate with churros, another Spanish treat freshly fried to dip into hot melted chocolate and caramel.

It was chocolate overload for me, but I loved it!

Anyway, the point of this post is to talk about distractions and challenges that arise and confront the valiant writer/stay-at-home mum/housewife(??) who really, REALLY (honest!!) does want to write but just can't seem to get it together.

Not to worry...

There is hope.

The way that I have found to deal with unexpected interruptions (such as a 'sick' husband hanging around the house all day - love you Captain, my Captain!!), chronic writer's block or endless tasks around the house is to do what little you can to keep connected with your story.
For example yesterday while I was mulling over a mug of thick hot chocolate I decided that the captain of the boat that takes Olivia to Rhodes will be Spanish and he'll be called Da Silva.
Also, last night I was pretty tired as BT barely slept in the day and we were out doing shopping and things, so instead of writing, which is what I normally do on a Monday night while I'm waiting for Supernatural to start, I decided to do some research. A little bit of reading on Venice really got the juices flowing. Jotted down some ideas and voila! It's as easy as whipping up a chocolate cake from scratch!!
Without all the washing up!!

Another idea I had that has finally come to fruition is to have a little tape recorder either next to my bed (Kinky I know!!) or somewhere easily accessible around the house so I can quickly talk into it any ideas that I may have, without having to search for pen and paper. And it's easier to do with BT because he can have a squawk too, without scribbling all over my notes!!

My mum gave me a little Panasonic tape recorder that used to belong to her mum, it has the cutest little tapes in it! Very retro, none of this modern, digital stuff for me, no siree!!

Because I'm doing a historical fiction novel I have HEAPS of research, so I've also found it really useful to set a folder with all my stuff in it. I also have a couple of notebooks which I've filled with notes, research, ideas, pictures, any sort of inspiration, whatever. So I know exactly where to go to find something that I've written down. I've also put all my books on my topic (which is growing considerably as the novel develops to include the Ottoman Turks, the Koran, the Bible, art books and so on...) in the same area of my book shelf so they're all easily at hand.

Actually, speaking of disruptions I got hit with a real redecorating bug last week. So my study is now covered with books in no order WHATSOEVER because I thought it would be a good idea to paint a black book case white. So it's sitting in the garage half finished and my books are all over the place. Will it never end???

Well, now that I've spent enough time on here instead of actually writing my story, I better get some work done.

Bacci KV-ettes xxxxxx

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Next time I come to visit we have to go to that chocolate place. I want one of those fried caramel/chocolate dipping things.

I love your homemaker pictures - where did you get them from?

The painting bug must be going around, but I'm not being so adventurous as to paint a whole bookcase. I just bought a little wooden letter and some pink paint to make a decoration for bubby's room.
