Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bloomin' writes

I've started writing another story. That's right - as if writing Orpheus and blogging on here and looking after BT and doing all my research wasn't enough, I've decided to add another story onto my plate of hectic and mind-consuming dinner. As if the bangers and mash weren't enough.

But this one should be substantially shorter than Orpheus - which by the way has undergone a major re-write of its own.

Although I am still painfully aware of the looming deadlines (moving in Dec, back to work in Feb - plus all the Christmas jazz in between) I am so totally hooked on the new ideas that I have re Orpheus and Story Number 2 (Working title at this stage :) ). It seems that with the blooming of spring my own ideas and creative juices have sprung. Not only that, the re-decorating bug has once again bitten (I think I must have a whole nest of them!!) so I've had some fun doing up the house in a more spring-friendly style. I've hacked off some home-grown basil and parsley that I have and stuck them in some cute little vases. Cheap but cute.

Anyway, enough of that, I'm sure you're all keen to know about the new story and changes to Orpheus so here goes. Actually, the basil and parsley are sort of keeping with the new story. It has a bit of a gardening theme to it. But, unlike Orpheus, it's set a lot closer to home. Canberra, actually. It's got a bit of everything, gardening, history, war, sci fi and even love - well in a modern sort of way. It's actually quite different writing to how I have written Orpheus and I enjoy it.

As I mentioned Orpheus has undergone plastic surgery - or rather, bypass. It's not just superficial changes these ones, they go right to the heart of it. Olivia is still in Florence, she still experiences Stendhal Syndrome, but she doesn't go back in time. Shock horror I know!! Like I said, bone deep, baby. Anyway, I'm feeling a lot more optimistic about it, and although my nights are now spent grappling with ideas/dialogue/witty one-liners for TWO novels I'm feeling rather pleased with myself. So now, not only are my flowers and herbs blooming, so are my stories.

Ciao tutti xx

P.S. It's my birthday this weekend, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't post then :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh wow! A new book, how exciting. Your spring decorations look great. I have to think of something I can do here. L