Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Merry Christmas, KV-ettes!

I know it must seem like a life time since I last posted on here, and believe me it feels like it to me too! But let me tell you there is good reason for it this time (and not just me being lazy).

Before I go into that though, I'd just like to comment on my last post, the visit to see Diana Gabaldon talk. It was awesome! And so inspiring. She is a very captivating speaker, and she clearly has her talk down pat because she spoke really well, confidently and with so much humour! Those of you who have read her books will recognise it, it's smart and subtle and she talks as quickly and fluently as she writes! So for the forty five minutes that she did speak she included so much.

She talked about how she became a writer, her life prior and post becoming an author and her latest works. She also had some amusing anecdotes about her recent trip to Scotland where she met the actual Lord Lovatt! What a trip!!

Anyway, there was also some book signing, so here's a pic of me with Diana, courtesy of my wonderful sister who accompanied me to the talk.

So I came home feeling suitably inspired and continued to work on the new Orpheus.

However, it wouldn't be me if that were the end of the story would it???

Since that day much has happened. I suppose the biggest was our return to Canberra. Last week we packed up the little house near the beach in Sydney and headed back down to our nation's glorious capital. And thank the heavens we chose last week to do it too because this week has been a sizzler!! With two cars loaded with stuff (not to mention the two removalist trucks - what can I say, I'm a hoarder!) we managed to arrive safely in our new, glorious home. It is so big and the yard is huge with orange trees, kiwi trees, grape vines and even a walnut tree! My little boy (and my big boy) both love it!! I don't think we could have survived much longer in that little house we were in - my son is far too busy and needs plenty of room to run!

So I'm extremely glad to be here - despite the heat! We've even managed to put up the Christmas tree and some decorations, although the Christmas shopping is still a bit behind. I'm not worried, I have a week. And believe me, the crowds here are nothing compared to Sydney!!

Anyway, not long after we arrived here last week I could hit with a blinding flash of inspiration and I've started writing my third story (you knew it was coming didn't you!!) I'm really enjoying it and finding it very easy to write because it's much closer to home than Orpheus. I'm so excited to have so many pieces of work in progress and because my husband is on holidays until late January I might actually get to complete one of them!!! My writing space here is a little cramped, but I'm not complaining! Here's a pic of it before the boxes were unpacked:

We've since discovered that we'll need to buy a fourth bookcase for the study - we certainly like our books in this family!

In fact, I've put a couple on my wish list this year. The one that I'm most excited about is Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo."

I've heard so much about it that I must admit I'm quite intrigued and because there were 26 people on hold for it at the library I thought I'd just request my own copy! So much for cutting back! My sister recently asked if I wanted to get rid of any books in the move so that she could swap them at her local second hand bookstore. I thought it was a great idea until I scoured the bookshelves and came up with nothing!!!

The downside to the new house is that the front of it faces west so in the afternoons we get the full summer sun. Which means that right now I'm baking in a little book filled room while my husband and son play outside in a blow up pool. Hmmm...priorities anyone?

So, I'll try and write more next week before Christmas after the weekend. Hope you're all having fun and aren't too stressed out by the silly season.

Ciao xoxox

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