Saturday, February 26, 2011

Have a cuppa - let's catch up

It's been a while since I've been on here, so thought I'd make an appearance and say ciao!

It's been a pretty busy summer both here in Canberra and up at the coast where we spent most of January. Here are a few snaps of what we've been up to this year (which, I can't believe is already almost three months in!! YEEK where does the time go??)

A stinking hot New Year's Day (complete with yummy lobster the night before!!) spent down at Uriarra, picnicing and dipping in the river. Us Canberrans don't have a beach too close so this is where we go when the temperature rises. Thankfully it's been a fairly mild summer this year.

Visiting the beautiful Botanic Gardens in Wollongong with my mum, nana and sister for another hot picnic. And chasing the ducks of course!!

Celebrating my son's third birthday with 15 - that's right folks 15!!! - other kids and their parents. It was lots of fun and even though we set up the garage because it was forecasting rain, the weather stayed fine and everyone got to play around the yard. And yes, that is my creation - the Thomas the Tank Engine cake. It was delicious - but then anything slathered with butter icing usually is :)

My three year old started play school one day a week so my daughter and I have been having some good old girl time together. We discovered last year that she has food allergies, namely dairy, eggs, nuts and cat hair. Which means we've said goodbye to our beloved Dash (who is currently staying at the Hotel de Nana in Wollongong :)

I've been doing some research on recipes to feed my now ten-month old and found the Nuttelex website to be helpful, and of course with google at your fingertips it's not too hard to find vegan-type recipes these days.

And I'm sure you're all wondering about Orpheus and if you haven't looked over at the counter recently you'll be interested to know that it's now at.....drum roll please....47,339!! And the great thing is I'm actually on track. For the first time in two and a half years I know where I want the story to go, how the plot should run, and I'm really, really, enjoying writing it. Stay tuned there may be another excerpt coming here soon :)

I'm off to check out some fun decorating blogs that I've discovered, pop over if you've got the time.

Sherry and John @ Young House Love

Becca @ Adventures in Decorating

Sadie @ Cotton Rose

I've also been looking for some blogs that are using more colour and bold styles, and haven't had much luck finding any. Got any suggestions?? One site I absolutely LOVE though is Melba Levick's Photography site. Her Mexicasa shots are really gorgeous. Love all that Mexicolour!!!!

And to see if Katie has posted her big Texan news over at Harrington House.

Ciao for now!! xoxo

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love the cake!! Wish we could have been there to enjoy all the fun.