Sunday, March 20, 2011

You should always...

Sacrifice Something...Sometime.

That title sounded so much better in my head - here's what I mean. Catholics, Christians, Orthodox and perhaps other religions around the world which I am not familiar with, are currently celebrating Lent. Traditionally Lent is a time of sacrifice and fast to remember Jesus' time of fasting in the desert (forty days).

Today is the second Sunday of Lent, so we're already underway. This post then is coming a bit late :)

There are two things that I'd like to sacrifice for the next 33 (also a symbolic number, but I won't get into that :) days. Before I tell you what they are I'll give you the reasons for why I'd like to give these two particular things up.

1. a) Recently I bought a pair of duck feather pillows. I've been having a lot of trouble finding a new pillow that doesn't hurt my neck or feel like I'm sleeping on an enormous pile blankets. Most of my pillows are polyester and because I couldn't afford latex I went with the feather ones.
Let me tell you something about duck pillows that I didn't know and perhaps you don't know either.

They smell.

They smell like wet, dead duck.

I've had these pillows outside everyday for a week "airing" to no avail. Still stinky. If you're interested in a free pair of duck feather pillows please email me at

1. b) Friday night I went shopping with the family and bought four square canvases with the intention of creating my own art a la young house love. But then I couldn't find any material I liked and now I'm stuck with four non-returnable canvases.

I bet you can see where I'm heading with this.

The second thing I wish to give up is linked in closely with this point (1-b).

So firstly I'm going to NOT BUY ANYTHING I DON"T ABSOLUTELY NEED. The idea came, not only from the buyer's remorse induced by the above two examples, but also from this website - We don't buy it.

They did it for a whole year, ie didn't buy anything. I don't think I can do that. In fact I know I couldn't do that. I know I'd fail abysmally and go crazy and buy all of Hobby Sew, or Bed Bath and Beyond in a fit of binge buying. Baby steps for me.

The second thing I will be sacrificing is those blogs that inspire me to crazy levels of house decorating. And I mean really crazy levels. Like constantly looking around my house and feeling a feeling of discontent and the urge to move things. And I'm not simply talking about a winter of discontent. I'm talking about a whole, indefinite, never-ending season of discontent. And to be frank (hello Frank), I'm sick of it. I'm sick of looking at my house and not feeling happy or pleased. And really it's a lovely house and I'm just sick of criticising it and comparing it to the houses on the blogs of the people who have amazing, done-it-themselves homes.

Therefore, I'm not going to look at any of those blogs til after Easter. That's right. No more home blogs. No more interior decorating blogs. No more how-to-match-your-hundred-year-old-lounge-with-this-fab-$5-thriftshop-find blogs. Enough.

Phew. So, to sum up. No home makeover blogs. No buying things I don't absolutely need.

Me thinks I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands...

I'll keep you posted on how I'm going.

And just so you know, I'm planning a huge blow out trip to Ikea after Easter with my good friend Nigel and all that I've saved during this time of sacrifice will be spent there. That's ok isn't it?

So tell me - is there anything you could sacrifice? Now or at some point, that might help you feel a bit better about yourself???

K xx


Lisa said...

I tried to send an email to
to get my free pillows but it didn't work. What's with that??

Anyway, glad to hear that you've made some sacrifices for lent. I've given up do-it-yourself projects permanently,so if you're ever in the market for a few hundred small squares of fabric in a variety of colours then I'm your girl.

Unknown said...

go girl, the kids gave up icecream for lent - very proud of them.
charlie suggested he gives up vegies (stop laughing) - he LOVES his vegies.
Me.....mmmmmmmmmmmm still waiting for inspiration. I didn't have any choclate for 24 hours (and felt it).
How much did you spend on the canvas squares (I might buy them)
ciao for now....till Easter