Friday, June 1, 2012

Orpheus Gets A New Breath Of Life


For me, there is something special and magical about being pregnant. And I'm not just talking about the wonder of a new life growing inside, or the delight of those first few kicks. No, I'm talking about something a bit more cerebral than that.

A lot of women - and a lot of men for that matter - talk about baby brain as if it were a bad thing. Baby brain is usually the 'condition' given to a pregnant woman, or new mother, as she gets distracted, forgetful, clumsy, confused etc.

I'd like to contest that. I mean, I'm all of those things don't get me wrong, but I'm also a bit more thougtful during pregnancy. Each time I have been pregnant (and this is my third time now) I have made huge leaps and bounds in my writing.

It might have something to do with all the extra blood running through my veins. Or the hormones. Or the fact that once the baby is born I'll probably have less than a minute to myself each day and therefore grasp frantically at any solitude I possibly can now :)

Whatever the reason, I don't mind. Because it means that I get to sit down and write. For some reason my creative juices are flowing extra strong during pregnancy and I for one plan to take advantage of that.

Instead of starting yet another book, Orpheus has been given a whole new beginning. A whole new set of circumstances that has ripped our main character - Louisa Grey - from her comfortable life in the present back into the mysterious, dangerous and supernatural world of 15th Florence, Italy.

I like it. I like the way it's going. I like the fact that I can pick up ideas from a tv show, a news article, the first few lines of a short story. Often a writer's worse nightmare can be lack of inspiration. Thankfully that has never been my problem :) Too much inspiration, too many ideas.

No my problem is lack of follow through. Every time I give one of my new stories to the Captain to read he groans, rolls his eyes, reads it, commends it, then begs, pleads and cries for me to PLEASE finish one book!

Perhaps I'll get this one done in the next four months.

Perhaps there will have to be a fourth child before anything finally reaches fruition :)

Who knows? All I can say is, I'm grateful not only for the blessed life growing inside me, but for the baby that is taking shape on the pages in front of me.

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