Thursday, July 19, 2012

Winter Holidays

I had such grand plans for these school holidays. Trips to various attractions around the capital featured high on my to do list: art at the National Gallery, story time at the National Library, tours through the War Memorial, picnics at the Botanic Gardens and more.

We started off on the first Saturday of the holidays by taking a visit to the National Dinosaur Museum. My mum was down and my son is going through a very OCD dinosaur phase at the moment (as in eating, sleeping, breathing dinosaurs!!) so we thought it would be a fun thing to do.

And it was.

There were enormous exhibits, some even had motion sensors on them so that they moved and roared when you walked past. There was ton of information there, but none of it too overwhelming. The Captain would have liked to have read every single one, but with the two littlies that was just taking too long!

There were plenty of bones and fossils to see too. 

And then once we'd had enough of the indoors - which, BTW, included a little discovery area with puzzles, colouring in, picture books and a factual DVD playing - we headed outside to romp with the big dinos!

We had such a good time and worked up such an appetite that we headed across the road to one of our favourite weekend lunch places, the George Harcourt Inn.

It was quite a freezing day, but the sun was out and we decided to sit outside. Good thing we did because the next week was spent cooped up indoors, due to both bad weather and bad viruses all round.

So, basically after our wonderful day at the Dino Museum we were struck down and spent the next nine days looked inside with only trips to the doctor (which confirmed that, yes, it was indeed the dreaded virus) to break up the monotony.

Oh, I tell you we were so sick. All of us. The kids suffered from quite high fevers as well which is never fun. And both the Captain and I were rendered prostrate. It was terrible. We are only just these last couple of days making it out in public again.

So much for our winter holiday plans!!

The virus completely wiped us of any appetite whatsoever so we survived on toast, and when I could get up, chicken soup. It was a miserable week and I forced those pregnancy tablets down so the baby wouldn't starve!! Not that I think she would!!

Here's a pic of the baby bump, circa 28 weeks:

Looking deprived? I certainly don't think so!!

It is the Captain's birthday tomorrow but he has PD at school, then it's the final weekend of the holidays :( I'm pretty bummed but so glad we had a nice, warm house to quarantine ourselves in for the past week!! You gotta be grateful for that, right??

And in case you were wondering, the virus did nothing to squash my son's obsession with dinosaurs. We are still drawing them, colouring them in, making them, acting as them, digging their bones up in the garden and making houses and caves for them. Oh the single-minded passion of the youth!!


Lisa said...

The dinosaur park looks so cool, we will definitely have to go there soon. Nice belly shot, you still look small to me.

Kirsty said...

I think it's the photo because I thought it looked much smaller than real life too!!

Joss said...

We love the dinosaur museum too! (and the george harcourt as well incidentally, nice space to run around outside) the kids want to stop at the dinosaurs every time we drive past. we'll have to go there together sometime, maybe a school holiday venture one day.....