Thursday, November 22, 2012

i heart art

Did you catch the play on this title with last post's title? I know, I know, where do I come up with these things??

So, we've been doing a fair bit of art around our place lately. Here are some things that have been created.

This one was inspired by Family Art Night, which was the idea of Casey Wiegand. And I must admit that while I liked the idea I certainly am glad that I teach the bigger kids not the little ones. I think Casey must have an infinite amount of patience to do this for a living :)

Still, we are all very happy with the finished product - stress levels aside. And seeing as we had both the canvas and the paints at home, it was free!! I love the little hand prints!!

I also gave our old easel a makeover with new black board paint and some outdoor paint which we had bought to paint an old table. White contact completed the little tray underneath and I was really happy with the final project. And the kids love the fact that they can actually use their chalk on the board now!! Lots of chalk fun has ensued. 

We've also been having some fun with this book Paper, Scissors, Glue, a gift from my lovely sister in law. My animal/insect obsessed son has enjoyed making lots of craft from here, like caterpillars, ants, bees, frogs and more!! Many of them are their own wonderful creations, but the book has offered inspiration at the very least, even if we don't follow the instructions verbatim!

As the weather is warming up we are certainly enjoying getting out more and collecting things with which to use for our craft projects. And as we are walking to preschool twice a week we have plenty of opportunities to collect pine cones, nuts, leaves of all shapes and sizes, sticks, bark and more. The wonderful world of nature never fails to provide.

What art has been going on around your place??

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