Saturday, December 15, 2012

pine, presents, piano and panettone

It's that time of year again (my goodness, where did 2012 go???) when our kitchen smells like delicious buttery, sweet Italian bread - store bought of course, I still haven't attempted to make it! And the lounge room is, for the first time, gracing us with the gorgeous fragrance of a fresh pine tree. This year folks we headed bush and cut down our own tree for the very first time!

 I stood on the sidelines, admiring the view, choosing then changing my mind over the perfect tree, snapping pics.

The kids gave up on us and went exploring. The baby slept on unawares in the car (before you call DOCS all the doors were open and I was standing right next to it :)

Finally, The Captain, saw in hand, attacked the perfect tree and we brought it home.

We made popcorn, put on Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas and decorated our beautiful tree.

And after two weeks, it's still looking green and great! I love it!!!

Then yesterday this arrived:

This is The Captain's piano which has been crashing his parents house for the last however many years. His parents are good friends with Marcela Fiorillo and at a lunch recently I spoke with her about my son taking piano lessons with her. Jumping on the band wagon, my mother-in-law had the piano sent over to our house. You can tell from the following (very candid!!) shot that it's a bit of a squish in our living room now. I see an exciting furniture redecoration happening in the not too distant future - stay tuned!!

I've also undertaken a new project - the study. I've taken my before pics, started painting furniture and can't wait for the holidays so that I can really get it going. Again, stay tuned!! The Captain, loving and accommodating as he is, has laid down the law though and told me that me and my paint brush are not allowed to touch the piano! Fair enough, I say.

The kids are getting up at the rather disturbing hour of five o'clock in the morning to check on the presents under the tree, even though I have assured them that none of them are theirs. I am hoping that after Christmas they will go back to being a bit respectful of their tired, exhausted parents!!

We had my son's Christmas pageant last night, our first concert as a parent not a teacher :) His preschool class sang the Wombat Wobble and it was delightful. Once he got his fingers out of his mouth, stopped looking at his best mate next to him, and began to do the actions. But who cares right? Getting up there is a pretty big thing and the crowd was quite large so I'm super proud of him anyway! The first of many such fun nights I'm sure.

Well, I think I'm all up to date now. Now I need to go have a shower and get ready to do an early morning shop for last minute Christmas pressies.

How about you?
What's been happening?
All your shopping done?
Any last minute tips to survive the silly season?

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