Thursday, October 16, 2008

The amendment of amendments

I've had a couple of questions about the new novel, so this is post will hopefully answer some of them for you.
Unlike 2358 this novel is intended for adults, not pre teens but I have been reminded of the dangers of the eternal abyss that is the internet and will post all blogs accordingly :) That's not to say that there won't be some adult themes in the new book, but there's nothing wrong with being eloquent and polite online.
So the ideas continue to flow with the new novel and over 5 pages have been written already. In addition to the blog I have also started keeping a notebook to jot down ideas, settings and names as they come to me. This week I have been staying with my mum as the Captain is away again so the writing process itself has been paused but not the plotting, discussing and brainstorming.
We move to the big city next week, which is fantastic! I feel like I've been waiting for this for four years and now it's finally happening. The next week, therefore,will be incredibly hectic with packers and removalists and what not hanging around.Once we're settled I intend to start writing again. In fact I've even been contemplating the idea of getting in a nanny one day a week to watch my son so that I can devote myself entirely to writing. Pretty professional hey?
My boy is doing very well, gorgeous as always. He's mastered the art of crawling and is never where you left him :) lots of fun!
Enjoy the next week kv-ettes and I'll speak soon
Bacci xx


Teaching Tips said...

I like the sound of this new book, and if the ideas weren't flowing on the old one then I think it's good to change direction.

EuroTrash said...

Hmmm... how's the writing going? It's been a while now in between posts. Hope all is well!!! xx