Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's hard, you know, to be a dedicated writer. When there is so little time in the day (BT's naps are now down to about 1 -1 1/2 hours) and especially in winter when it's freezing cold inside but nice and sunny outside. I know, I know, I'm just complaining and really I should just get my be-hind into action and actually do some work!

But KV-ettes, if it's any consolation, even my poor old story hasn't been getting much of a look in lately. I've been on re-decorating mode, which means more painting, some attempts at sewing and online sessions on ebay and other blogs for similar ideas. And believe you me, there is so much stuff out there!

BUT - and there is always a but! - I have agreed to go back to work part time next February which means I now have a deadline for when Orpheus needs to be finished. So what have I done about this?
Not a lot, to tell you the truth!!!

I've spent this evening online researching a fascinating book called 'The Papacy and the Levant' by Kenneth M. Setton (you can read it online at Google books here)

and I've been using this information to help map out a chapter list. What this is for me, is what I imagine a plan is for other people. I have a fairly good picture in my head where I want my story to go, but because I am so forgetful and muddled these days (can I still use the baby brain excuse if BT is 18 months old??!!) I have put it down in a chapter list. It's a word document so I can easily amend it if the story ends up taking a different turn; I'm very flexible about it really.
Fingers crossed!!
Kirsty x

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