Monday, August 31, 2009

Working Mums at Home

Well I was doing some thinking today and I was reminded by something my sister had said to me. She also has a blog (which I've mentioned on here before - but hers is much more dedicated to homemaking, cooking, and child-rearing. I was complaining to her how I didn't get many visitors to my blog and she said I needed to make it more like hers - more about homemaking etc. That way I can post comments on all those great (usually American) websites where homemaking "moms" chat.

But I don't want to write about those things.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being a stay at home mum and I've even posted once or twice about my painting projects but this blog for me is something different than that. It is called K.V. Writes because I am writing my novel and it is meant to be for people who are interested in

a) the writing process
b) finding out more information about how to write a novel
c) my witty blogging :)

The point of this blog is to record the journey of writing a novel, a work of historical fiction, and all that it entails. So I was thinking (back to my original point) that there must be those mums out there who are at home with children and are looking to do something with their time that may be a bit more literary than making cookies or paitning wardrobes. I am not intending any disrespect when I say this, in fact I paint and make cookies all the time!! But I am just making my intentions for this site clear.

So I did some research. I was looking for other blogs that were aimed at mums at home who wanted intellectual stimulation. This is what I found: - this site is a UK based one that has a whole range of different blogs and bloggers all with the same connection - working mums. Some of them are hilarious accounts of mums who are working either at home or in the workforce others are more serious. There is room for discussions and if you're interested in contributing to the site you can email your interest to the administrators. It also has links to employers (in the UK) who may be interested in hiring a stay at home mum. - this incredible mum, Melissa Talago from the UK, signed up for the Clipper Round the World Race a race from the UK to Brazil and won a place! She chronicles her prep for the race, her doubts, fears and humorous anecdotes. You can sponsor her as well if you're interested. - another British website from a mother who is interested in posting anecdotes re life with kids - finally I found an Aussie site. This one is pretty complete with job adverts, practical help like budgeting and finance, babysitting and other childcare options etc.

But where are the sites for mums who are interested in reading and writing?? So far, I haven't found any. SO I'm glad to think that I might be the first one. Or at least one of the firsts :)
I have posted here some past book reviews, mostly those that have inspired me or have been criticial in my research for my novel but perhaps it is time to offer more reviews and suggested readings for mums who are at home but crave some time to themselves to use their brains in a way that does not include nappies, playdough, toys, cardboard, books, snot, or any other baby-affiliated paraphernalia!

So stick around, some more posts on this will be coming your way...



A Modern Mother said...

Thanks for the mention!

I am also interested in writing historical fiction. What period are you interested in? My favourite is pre-WW1.

BTW -- there is a writing group on

-A Modern Mother

Unknown said...

KV! Ohgollygosh, please do forgive me for not having visited your blog for such a long time!

What changes! Love the new layout you've got.

Hoping to see you v soon (this coming weekend??!!) and looking forward to a catch up on progress then...

Lots of love,
He of FuroTrash.xxxx

Unknown said...

Ha. So I can't even spell my own tag correctly...

*EuroTrash* with an "E".