Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Writer's Guide

I was just having a little play with my blog, as I'm prone to do (do you all like the new design??) when I discovered that I have been blogging here at kvwrites for one year now! Can you believe it?! Where has the time gone? I really thought I would be finished my novel by now - haha! But to date I've written 122,112 words, not too shabby I don't think. And I've got a plan of where I want the novel to go. Considering I don't get the chance to write all day, everyday, like some writers I think I'm doing a pretty good job.
I have also added on the side of my blog a list of writer's resources for all aspiring writers. I find these sites quite useful and hope you will too! A lot of them are Australian-based, as am I, but you can easily google for other countries if you are looking for centres or competitions.

I'm not sure if I told you but we are heading back to the capital at the end of the year and that means back work. My school has been incredibly accommodating and I spoke with my head teacher and she has offered me three days work, teaching the three classes I asked for - year 11 ESL, year 12 ESL and Renaissance History. I must admit I'm in mixed emotions about going back to work. Life is so easy without work! BT (Beautiful Toddler) and I get to do basically whatever we want everyday. It's a very simple lifestyle. On the other hand, I really miss teaching and am looking forward to teaching Renaissance history again, especially after all the research I have done this year for my novel. When I first taught it in 2006 I had a fairly good understanding of it due to my own university studies, but it is so much more comprehensive now. Anyway, like I said, mixed emotions.

I also wrote an article for my sister's blog on the importance of food for kids - as in getting the right balance of healthy and nutritious food in a child's diet. She has written a children's cook book called "Fun Food for Kids" which she is selling on her site ( and I wrote the article to help support it.

We're actually a family of writers. My eldest sister also writes magazine articles and is about to have one published in Vogue Australia. Funny how things like that turn out :)

Well, it's Sunday afternoon here and BT is napping so I better get some more work done on Orpheus.

Bacci xxx

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