Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Return of the Senses

Hello lonely reader...if you've given up on me I don't really blame you. Things have been quiet on the Eastern Seaboard front. The early stages of pregnancy have kept me quiet and offline much of the time. It also means that my book, that poor, lonely, often neglected tome that is meant to be the purpose of this blog has also been a small hiatus.

But it seems that with the wonderful invention of Maxolon comes the chance for us to all breath (and eat) easily once more.

So here I am.

I am sure you have been diligently checking my site, waiting with baited breath for the latest update on Orpheus and well have I got news to you.

After a carefully deliberated conversation with my mum (one of my many literary consultants) I have brought Olivia out of the 15th century and placed her firmly in the present. There will be (yes, I know...again!!!) no more time travel. But I still plan for this to be the first in a series of books. And it is still set in Italy.

I have decided that the time travel idea caused me to lean too heavily on Diana Gabaldon and I wondered if I could ever possibly write something as wonderful and creative as she did...without stealing bits of it! So I thought, best get rid of that temptation altogether~!

I have also created a lovely, and quite tortured soul to be Olivia's male counterpart in the present. The diary of Giovanni still exists in the past and this way I get to use a whole heap of the stuff that I have already written.

It's still in its embryonic stages (as is baby2) but I'm very excited about it.

And speaking of Diana Gabaldon.

As I wandered into Angus & Robertson the other week browsing for Christmas presents there it was. An Echo in the Bone.

So I of course immediately bought it. It's been a while since I last read "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" so I'm a little bit out of the loop but it seems to pick up from a thread from that one (as in A breath...)

And the other most amazing news is that I am going to see Diana Gabaldon speak and read at a book reading in North Sydney in two weeks. I am very excited about that, let me assure you!!

(If you're also interested here's the link of when she's touring Australia

Well, I know this is quite a short post and I'm sorry since it's been so darn long, but my Gorgeous Boy is waking up so I better dash.

Ciao tutti xxxx

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