Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter come early...

We had the Easter bunny arrive a little bit early at our place this weekend, in the very welcome guise of Nana and Gran Nan (my mum and nana). It was so great to have them come down to stay with us for a couple of days. N is such a Nana's boy, I don't think my poor mum had a minute's rest the whole time she was here! He had her playing with his trains, chasing him around the yard for tickles, painting, chasing him around the lounge room for tickles, reading, bouncing on the hippety hop and when we went to a great park in Yarralumla with a train ride (heaven I know!!) he had to have Nana ride with him! It was very precious. I forgot to take my camera with us but X got some good pics on his phone. Once he's transferred them onto my laptop I'll post them.

Last week I re-evaluated my whole "nesting" regime, and although it still pains me how much I need to do before the baby comes, I decided I need a bit of a rest. So I put X on painting duties and now that everything is painted I'm much feeling much better about that (I'll post pics of the hall table and sewing table when they're back in the house). My projects have been much smaller and more manageable. For example, here's that photo frame I got for the baby's room last week at the garage sale. I've put in it some vintage fairy pictures that I downloaded from Graphics Fairy and simply printed off. I'm not sure if I'll keep them or not because they got quite blurred from my shrinking their sizes, but I like them from now. You can see the pics more clearly at her website.

Here are the photo frames I also got at the garage sale. Remember they were just plain timber and I painted them red and blue for N's room.
The felt animals used to hang from a mobile in N's room but it broke (oh-so tempting to a two year to have hanging animals!) so I stuck them to a blank white piece of paper and popped them in the frame. I got the idea from the Nester, who believes in framing everything! I'm really happy with the way they turned out and N loves having them above his bed.
A couple of weeks ago N and I did some craft in preparating for Easter and this is what we produced!

Nothing terrible fancy but fun and lovable all the same. I just cut up some pink cardboard, printed off Happy Easter signs from Word and glued them onto the cards. Then N had the fun of sticking on stickers and stamping animals from his ink pad. Lots of fun and Nana and Gran Nan loved them too!
So as you can see I'm keeping busy without overdoing it. I saw the Dr last week and I measured 36cm. For only being 33 weeks pregnant I'm still a bit big! Nothing to worry about...yet!!! Huh, sure Doc, let's see you push her out!!! I would post a pic but today's my bumming day so I don't think a pic of me in my current state would impress anyone!
Hope you all had a good weekend and that the week leading up to Easter isn't too hectic for you all!
Kirsty x

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