Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hi, all. What a busy weekend we've had! Instead of resting and getting better from the colds that we've all been suffering from this week, I decided no rest for the wicked and it was all about Mama Bear's nestin'!

It all began first thing on Saturday morning. The church where N and I go for playgroup was having a garage sale so after a shaky start (majorly flat tyre and a big tantrum from N who didn't want Mum to leave!) I finally got to the garage sale myself just before nine. It was packed! With both people and stuff - good stuff, crappy stuff, new stuff and old stuff. You name it it was there! But, despite the fact that it's now getting toward the end of March it was still hot! So I didn't have the stamina to push and shove my way to look at everything (have you seen my last pregnancy pic?!). I had a small list of things I was looking for and I managed to pick up everything on it! Ha! And a few bonuses. Here's what I got:
A bunch of timber photo frames. I plan to paint some of them in bright, primary colours for N's room. Not sure what I'll do with the others, they were so cheap I don't care about painting over the timber to fit in with my decor!

Some pretty pink floral material (about 1.5m) for the baby's room - not sure what I'll use it for but I couldn't resist! I have a fantastic rocker that I got when I was pregnant with N but now the fabric on that is a bit worn (and dark blue, which doesn't match the baby's room at all!) So I was thinking of covering the cushions with this pretty fabric but I just don't think I have the skills to pull that kind of sewing off! Or unfortunately, enough fabric. I wonder if there's a mistreatment for that!
The white trim is a separate piece of material that I thought was gorgeous. It's just cotton but it would look really good as a trim on something. Hmm...

3 cute little photo frames made from a ceramic-type material (ie. they're not plastic!) which I plan to put in the baby's room also. Not sure what I'll put in there, maybe some cute pics or pretty fabric samples. Any ideas?

I got these great little white bowls and the succulents for $2 each! The bowls don't have a hole for drainage so I went with succulents for them as they don't need as much watering. I wanted some lovely little indoor plants especially now that we're (supposedly!!) coming into the cooler weather.

I potted them and just love how they look next to my old white vase on my sideboard in the dining room!

These two frames I actually picked up second hand on Friday and were part of a set of three. I really didn't like the pictures in them but they were the perfect size for a couple of lovely ladies that I'd been wanting to frame for a while.

And now they have pride of place above my new desk in the study. Sigh. I'm very happy when I look at this corner of the room (almost as happy as when I see my white bowls in the dining room!) The pictures actually came from last year's calendar and I have used a number of them around my house (the one in the middle is one too!) The artist is Alphonse Mucha. (You can click on the pic to enlarge it)

Today I headed out early again, this time to Bunnings where I bought hooks, paint and a few other odds and ends. I love Bunninga - truly. I love it so much more when I don't have an excited toddler who's trying to do a runner up and down the aisles the whole time!!
I bought some upholstering tacks so I could mistreat my windows (thanks to The Nester - see her site for more on window mistreatments). Our toilet is separate from the rest of the bathroom and although it has a big slab of glass, there's no actual window! I found an old curtain that I inherited from my grandmother and fixed it up. It's quite plain, but I think it looks much better than before.


I thought it would look really cute with a trim, but I didn't have any that I wanted to use so I left it for the time being. Maybe a nice pale blue gingham.....
I made the monogram using Becca from Adventures in Decorating's idea. A fancy script in word printed out and framed! I'm thinking of changing the V (for our last name) to a B for bathroom. Not sure though. Anyway, I'm much happier with my loo window now!

We also did some more painting - I swear that hall table is just about finished, I promise!!! And some gardening. Getting ready for winter and spring we planted some jonquil bulbs - one of my favourite flowers.

And in case you thought N was neglected without his own chores, here you can see him hard at work, linin' up them cars and trucks! Go, baby, go! (He's really cute he actually encourages them like that - except he uses their names, like Go, blue car, go!!!)

So now it's Sunday eve and I'm just about pooped! Good thing that tomorrow is our quiet day. Hope you've all had a great weekend.
Kirsty x


Lisa said...

Wow, you had a busy weekend. I like the pictures in the study and I really like the framed V (I might have to copy that idea). How cute that N lines up his cars and then talks to them. I'm glad you're blogging more, it's nice to see and hear about your nestin'.

One Old Man said...

Glad you're happy. It makes me happy too.
I'm so getting a sleep-in next week-end!