Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Playing House

Well, I know you're all dying to hear about my domestic urges so here's a low down at what's been going on at our place.

I am on afternoon tea duty at playgroup tomorrow afternoon so I made some Oatmeal Nutties (I think they're really just the same as Anzac biscuits but if we call them Oatmeal Nutties we can eat them anytime of the year!!). They were absolutely delicious! I've been having a bit of trouble with the new electric oven at our place (I'm used to cookin' with gas) and some of my other baking treats have turned out, well, let's say they've been interesting.

The cookies however were perfect. I just hope they last the day tomorrow before playgroup begins!! Here's a pic:

And here's the recipe courtesy of The Australian Women's Weekly Recipe Card Library (I would be lost without this heirloom recipe box!!)

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup coconut
3/4 cup plain flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
125g (4oz) butter
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons golden syrup
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

Combine in a bowl rolled oats, coconut, sifted flour, sugar and salt. Combine in a saucepan water, butter, and golden syrup, stir until butter has melted; add to dry ingredients; add soda, mix well.
Place teaspoons of mixture onto lightly greased oven trays; allow room for spreading. Bake in moderate oven approximately 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Mine were quite soft whenI took them out of the oven but they crunchied up real nice once they cooled. Enjoy!
In other news, we bought a new coverlet on the weekend. Now I've been looking for a coverlet since I saw one for sale at 1825 (my new favourite shop). That one was $330 and WAY out of my price range!! The one I saw on Saturday however was much cheaper, and once sale further still, so I snapped it right up. Here's a glimpse:

A coverlet is like a bedspread and is perfect in summer when a doona is just too hot. And the pretty blue and green patterns in it really matches the feature wall in the bedroom (and there's N in the background introducing Thomas and Diesel to our bedroom! - For those of you who don't know, N is OBSESSED with all things Thomas the Tank Engine and plays with his toy trains all day long!!)

Saturday was also especially fruitful for the baby. She got a new cot which X expertly assembled (I'm going for all white with the furniture inthe baby's room) and I just love this cot:

I've just laid on it a new quilt I bought for her in Bowral last weekend. We have a ton of blankets and quilts from when N was born, but I wanted this one to have something special for herself.
Saturday morning we also went to Baby and Kids Market at EPIC. It was the first time I'd been to one and it was absolutely incredible. Everything to do with babies and kids was on sale there - clothes, toys, prams, cots, high chairs, furniture, nappy bags and more! There were dozens of stalls set up and although the quality of the clothing and toys varied (the markets are second hand goods) for the most part everything was quite good and SOOO cheap! I but the baby a heap of clothes for only $20! I'll definitely be going back!

So that's the shopping for new things part of our weekend out of the way!! As for the painting, well there's been a fair bit of that going on round here too. I was looking at Feathers in My Nest and I just loved what Leslie has done to her place. So I was inspired to get out the paint brush and spruce up some old furniture of my own (or rather I had X do it for me!!) The hall table with the mirror and the old sewing machine table were the two pieces to get treatment this time and once the third coat is finished I'll post pics of the completed work.
In case you were wondering, I am now the size of a small elephant (I use the word small kindly) and painting is just not really an option. It's hard enough getting up and down! Here I am at 32 weeks pregnant:

And finally my new desk arrives on Thursday which I can't wait for! I'm so sick of this little old Office Works one! Finally my study will be complete (unless there's a baby number 3!!)

Hope you all enjoyed the slightly more neurotic aspect of KV Writes!!!


Kirsty x


Lisa said...

I'm going to make those cookies this week! The coverlet is really nice, I love the colours. You look so cute, keep posting pregnancy photo updates.

Unknown said...

I woke up this morning wondering how you were doing so I cheated and checked your blog! Love the cot - if only I had married a man who could assemble furniture!! I've been inspired to go play at ikea - if little Miss will let me ;)

Becca Bertotti said...

Hi Kirsti !! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind note about my master bath revamp !! Congrats on your impending birth (and your other precious kiddo). As a mother of a 4 year old boy, I was a bit bummed when Jax didn't catch onto the Thomas the Tank trains ... he's all things SpiderMan and Marvel Heroes ... oh well ... it's a little harder to role play as a super hero than a train, but I'm getting used to it. :) I love your coverlet ... beautiful colors !! And, I just may have to try those yummy cookies !! I'll stop by again soon. Take care, Becca (Adv. in Decorating)