Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Secret Confession of a Scrapper

That's right folks, you read it right, it's official. My name is Kirsty and I'm a scrapper.

For those of you who have turned up here looking for something else in this ambiguous title, I'm talking about scrapbooking (quick, run now while you still can!!)
I was at a friend's house yesterday and she showed me the two albums she has made for her daughters and they were just great! It seemed to me a fun, easy (as in no strenuous activity involved) activity that could fulfill my creative, nesting urges. I'm so far over the whole painting scene, it's not funny - thank god all those projects got finished! And there's only so many times I can redecorate this blog! (Do you like the new look? Courtesy of the Background Fairy).

So, last night the fam and I went over to the mall to check out some craft stores. I know, I move pretty fast given my behemoth size, but I was so excited to start. I bought two albums, brown for my son and purple for the baby. And they're both refillable so I can add more sheets.

Then I stocked up on paper. This was the hard part, I wanted it all!! It's like buying great fabric, only cheaper! And I discovered Hobbysew at my local mall which was absolutely stocked with great paper choices and a huge selection of fabric. But that's another story :)

Of course I needed embellishments:
tags, labels, stickers, buttons, a flower dye cutter (sort of like a hole punch in the shape of a flower - I'm learning the lingo!!), letters and more.

I also picked up two of these family tree templates for each album. I thought they were great, simple and effective.

So now my lounge room floor is covered in photos, papers, ribbon, beads and goodness knows what else! It was a great fix for my insomnia last night, I was able to sit up for hours doing it and I'm still keen to keep going today!
I'm sure some of you are thinking, pah, that Kirsty she's gone soft in the head. Talking about writing serious historical and crime fiction now here she is blogging bout scrappin' of all things!!
And the truth is I actually think the more mellow side of scrapping is going to be a nice balance for the reading and writing of psychopaths, criminals and the seedy world of Canberra! And in my quest for balance in this life, I think it's a good start! So don't worry, KV-ettes, I'm still surrounding myself with all the gory details of a good crime/thriller novel, only now I'm prettying them up a bit! In my mind at least!! :)
I sense the beginning of a beautiful relationship!!

Kirsty x

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