Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Struck down

Well what can I say other than it's been an interesting few days. The Captain had to go away for army on the weekend so I invited my sister and her daughter (who's 8 months younger than my little boy) to come and hang out with us for the weekend. A nice girly weekend, I thought. (My son is such a mama's boy, he's just like one of the girls). I had lots of fun things planned. A nice trip up to the little shops at Gold Creek, maybe a visit to the train at Weston Park if the weather was nice, and a trip to the mall to buy the Captain's birthday present.
So I met my sister at the train station on Friday morning and we brought them back to our place. We had a great day playing and catching up. Then Friday night disaster struck and the whole weekend changed its pace.
My poor sister (who won't let me post any pics of her on my blog - can't imagine why) came down with the dreaded gastro. She was up all night, poor thing. I, of course, had no idea. Even though I got up to my own hungry, nuzzly (is that a word?) baby I didn't hear a thing. It wasn't until 7 the next morning that I discovered the extent of the damage. It was too much for me to handle alone. I was in way over my head. I needed reinforcements.
So I called my ever-loving, ever-supportive mother who made the three hour mercy dash in great time. My sister spent much of Saturday recovering and her husband came down on Saturday night to take them home the next day.
Sunday dawned however and with it came my own experience of the crippling stomach pains and vomiting. I won't bore you with too many details but between the two of us, it wasn't a pretty (or nice smelling) picture. My sister and her family finally headed home Sunday afternoon, but my mother, saviour that she is stayed to look after me. The Captain didn't return home til almost 6. Mum headed back home Monday morning and the Captain took the day off work to watch his poor, miserable, recovering wife. And the crappy thing is I'm still recovering. It hasn't even gone yet!!
To add insult to injury (that's right - there's more!) my poor little boy got hit with a bad cold, but thankfully not the tummy bug. There's nothing worse for a mother than a sick child. There's very little to make a mum feel better. Except maybe this...(Sorry for the poor quality of the pic, the Captain took this pic without the flash. And yes, my beautiful boy is asleep!)

A big thank you to my loving husband for looking after us, and I promise you will get a birthday present. And a party. And a cake. I love you!

Kirsty x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

crapppppyyyyyyy...what more can I say........