Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catarrh and Fievre

Well, it's official. The "cold" that I have been battling for the past two weeks is officially the flu. How do I know this? Because I ache. All over. And my throat still hurts. And I sound like a dog when I cough.
And to top it all off, as if the mucous that was oozing from my nose and throat wasn't enough, it's now coming from my eyes too!
That's right folks.
I have conjunctivitis.
An illness I haven't had since I was a child. But instead of making me feel nostalgic for the lost days of yesteryear, it makes me feel sad.
And itchy.
And goopy.
The only good thing is that the four bright eyes that grace my babies' faces are blissfully free of such goop and gunge that are now characterising my own.

I'm off to the doctor this afternoon so that I can get a medical certificate so that the Captain can stay home and look after me. I think I'll ask for it to say that I have catarrh. It sounds so much more exotic than the flu, don't you think? I wonder if my doctor will also draw a little skull...just for effect.

The kids and I caught up with my mother's group on Friday (before the catarrh had fully formed and the pus started leaking from my eyes) and one of the ladies there, who has just had her second baby asked me in all incredulity: "How do you do it at home every day with the two kids?"
And my answer was relatively simple. It was how we had always done it. Unlike her daughter who has just finished her child care and is now at home fulltime, my son has always been at home with me and has learnt how to entertain himself and thankfully, does not mind a number of days at home in a row. I understood from my friend, that her daughter doesn't like this one bit.
Today though I have to tell you, I fell so crappy that a child care service would be just great. As it is, we have Thomas the Tank Engine on DVD. Four hours of it.

I think I might also ask my doctor for the medical certificate to say fievre - much more exciting than a plain old fever. I wonder if there is an olde-timey way of saying conjunctivitis? Goop eye? Sticky eye? Custard eye? (Sorry for those of you who like custard, but it's really what the stuff coming out of my eye looks like).

Anyway, I hope you're all well and surviving the cold winds that are characteristic of this time of year. I'm sure if we lived on the moors like Cathy and Heathcliff (more on them later) then it would be romantic. As it is, we don't.
And so it's not.
It's cold.
And annoying.

Love always,
The Neurophile x

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