Monday, August 2, 2010

Garden of Good Spirits

At the risk of this blog turning into a (morbid?? me? never!) history lesson, I've decided to post some pics from around the truly, non-morbid garden today. I wanted to take a stack of photos yesterday when we went to the Hall Markets - a fantastic and fun local, country market here in Canberra, but other than this photo:

And this one:

I didn't have much success. That's because it was literally 7 degrees up there, with wind and rain keeping me too huddled to even take my hands out of my pockets. Actually that's a lie. I didn't have pockets because when we left home it was sunny so I didn't take a coat. Oh, when will I learn? Always, always take a coat in Canberra!! Anyway, for the hour that we braved it there we had a nice enough time.

So, here are some lovely shots of the plants and flowers around my garden. My jovial jonquils just waiting to bloom:

I think this is wisteria. It's growing on our garage wall and on our makeshift pergola. I think it looks positively merry!

Lovely, cheery, healthy looking red Nandina in the front garden:

The approaching, jolly storm:

And finally the cheerful, little posey I made from the garden flowers:

Rumour has it that there is happy snow covering the mountains. We may even get it here. Here's hoping!!

Kirsty x

PS Paola, thanks for the comment - please keep posting them!! x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Flowers, puppies and cute angelic children....NICE....