Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Total Eclipse of My Heart

For a while I've been trying to think of something to blog about. Should I write about the incessant rain that has kept us cooped up in doors, frantically scratching at the walls and pulling on our hair like dogs with cabin fever? Or should I write about our new Christmas tree - a 30cm tall conifer that I hope will be with us for many years to come? Or maybe I'd write about some of the great Christmas craft for kids websites I'd seen. Perhaps that I've started writing a new story (I'm sorry was that a groan I just heard??)

Anyway, all this procrastinating and umming and ahhing, toing and froing and then today when I walked into Woolies to buy some milk, I saw it. Standing there calling out to me in all its $26.99 glory.


As in the third instalment in the Twilight Series.

My heart missed a beat. I gasped. Was it December 1 already? (I won't tell that I've had this date circled on my calendar for a while now - for this very reason!!! Oh, wait, yes I will).

So I buy it.

Came home and put the kids to bed (wishful thinking I know!)

And jumped on here to blog about my excitement and good fortune.

If you haven't seen the movie or don't know anything about it SHAME ON YOU!!! No, just kidding. Here's a sneak peek from the Trailer.

Enjoy Twi-hards. I know I will!! (and for what it's worth, I'm Team Edward all the way:)

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