Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Tidings

I can't believe that it's Easter already! Where has the year gone? The last three months have passed in a blurry haze of morning sickness. Really, really bad morning sickness.
But, ever the optimist, I'm hoping that its gotta end sometime soon. Or else that's just really unfair.
So Autumn has arrived around here. Sort of. Some trees are changing colour. Like our beautiful maple.

Others are losing their leaves. Like our sad, old walnut who really never got off the ground this summer :(

And we've been doing last bits of gardening like preparing a winter vegetable garden:

And doing some radical pruning. These guys are some nasty privets. I don't really mind them seeing as they grow so fast and give lots of shade but they are a noxious weed, which means the neighbours really don't like having them around :)

On the inside a few bunnies have made their appearances. In addition to the one up top there are these guys:

And a chick on her eggs :)

So it's only a few more days til Good Friday. We've decided not to go away (which is a big relief to this sick, tired mama!) And the Captain is going to be godfather for his good friend's fifth child on Easter Sunday. So I'm sure we'll manage to keep ourselves busy!

Anyway, it's been good to get back on here and do a quick blog update. I don't keep a journal and this (plus my rather sporadic scrapbooking) is my only real journal of our lives. So now we know that Autumn 2012 is about to descend upon us, along with Easter and my daughter's second birthday party. And despite all the morning sickness I really don't think I could be happier.

Happy Easter!!

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