Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Health Warning

I didn't really know what to call this article without it sounding dramatic, so I went with the most dramatic one!
Anyway we stumbled across this website when we doing some research on our daughter's food allergies and intolerances. Although we have been quite vigilant (for the most part) on keeping her food free from dairy, egg and peanut she is still scratching a lot on her back and legs. So we were just looking at the ingredients on some things trying to guess what it could be.

Most of our food is fairly healthy but we were surprised to discover these ingredients, the additives 627 and 635, which occur in lots of different foods like instant noodles, flavoured chips, CCs, party pies, sausage rolls, packet or canned soups and more. You can see the whole list here at the website that we found:

I know there are a lot of people out there who try really hard to give the best to their children and yet still can't understand their health or behavioural problems - maybe this can help. If you're interested read the article and maybe check out some of the other things that the Failsafe people talk about like salicylates and amines.
There are lots of testimonial, indeed most of the evidence on the site is anecdotal, but if you're at your wits end or if you just can't bear to see your child scratching anymore it might be worth it.

Like I said, we didn't have much food with the additives 635 or 627 but what we did have (some rice crackers and some stock) we tossed. But I think I might try my daughter on the salicylates elimination diet as she eats tons of fruit, especially berries, mandarins and bananas.

Anyway, if you're interested have a read. If you're not, forgetaboutit!!

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