Tuesday, October 9, 2012

7 things

Here is a list of things I have recently learned, or that I already knew and had forgotten. It started out  as 7 things, then I remembered one more as I went to feed the baby. So technically it's 7.2 things. Or 8 even.

1. Recovering from a caesarian is infitely harder and more painful than recovering from a natural birth. I cannot begin to fathom why anyone would choose this option willingly to avoid the pain of childbirth!!

2. Daily crankiness and patience levels are directly related to the number of hours slept during the night.

3. Spring is good. Warm weathered spring is even better.

4. It is possible to look past fluff and dust on the floor and spots in the shower that need cleaning. I had forgotten that in the last nine months.

5. Nothing beats the smell of a new baby. Except perhaps a new baby surrounded by clean, shampoo-smelling big brothers and sisters.

6. iPhones really are the best. Especially for those long hours alone in the hosptial.

7. Life as a family of five takes some getting used to it, but is definitely, absolutely, without a doubt my favourite stage in life so far!!

7.2 Can you think of anything sweeter than a newborn baby smiling in her sleep? Oh be still my heart. And my uterus.

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