Monday, October 22, 2012

orpheus update

Just a quick update in between settling the baby, preparing dinner and assuring my kids that yes, I do remember who they are and hold on wait a minute don't I have two sons?? No?? Oh right, it's just the one four-almost-five-year-old who is everywhere all at once and has the uncanny ability of asking ten million questions a day. Plus a two and a half year old daughter who is on the cusp of losing her nap, that is until she reaches a point of high strung hysteria and we all go a bit crazy for a time until I declare that yes, indeed she does still need a nap.

All that in mind, I think it's pretty good that, as promised I'm back with an update on my last post's vow to do some writing three nights a week. I have to admit most of the writing has been done in the daylight hours, with the Captain home I do get a bit of time here and there to squeeze in some words.

So, drum roll please, since last week I have written....

Wait for it....

4,303 words!!

That's right folks, I am now up to 33,363 words in Orpheus! Hooray!!

I'm hoping to reach 50,000 words by Christmas and because I have a couple of scenes coming up that I have already written (in some of the many other versions of Orpheus...oh Lord...) I think it is quite do-able. But check back and I'll keep you posted!!

Keep writing friends!

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