Thursday, January 10, 2013

looking back

January is all about looking forward, making plans and resolutions and pondering things to come. I like to use it as a time to look back as well.

2012 was quite a year for us.

We started renovations on our house, painting the kitchen, rumpus room, lounge room and bedrooms.

The layout doesn't actually look like this anymore, but the paint is the same :)
We combined the kids into one room and eventually we got them settled into bunk beds. 

We rode bikes and scooters, and eventually said goodbye to training wheels.

We watched mum's tummy grow :)

We started preschool and made new friends.

We saw dinosaurs, frogs, butterflies, ducks, lizards, pigs, goats, rabbits, and more.

We made racing track cakes and dozens of cupcakes :)

We potted round the garden and were rewarded with dozens of flowers

We went to galleries, museums, parks, rivers and beaches.

We welcomed our newest member into the family, our baby girl in October.

All round a very good year :)

What were your 2012 highlights?

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