Wednesday, January 22, 2014

return of the mac

It's been a long time since I posted on here, almost a year. I'm not sure what kept me away but after browsing through some old posts it was the great collection of memories that I have here that has brought me back.

The year has been a busy one. First year of kindergarten has finished, leaving us with a very curious and fun boy who has learnt how to read and is currently devouring such books as The Cat in the Hat and the Tashi series. It's amazing and the Captain and I look at each other as we spy on him in bed at night with his torch and his book and we just smile. A love for books is inherent in both of us and it is definitely something we love to see passed on to our kids.

Our boy also gave us quite a scare toward the end of last year when he slipped off the monkey bars and broke his arm. Although both his ulna and radius were broken the healing was relatively quick and the cast was off in five weeks -  just in time for Christmas!!

The girls have had a fun year at home playing together, and with the coming of October we said goodbye to our baby and hello to our one year old. Although we can only just call her toddler now as she's just starting pull herself up and 'toddle' around the furniture. She's going through a bit of cranky and clingy stage, but she seems to get like this when she's undergoing big developmental changes. She's incredibly expressive and often has us all in stitches with her facial expressions and antics. Definitely an entertainer!

Gaby is looking forward to starting at play school one day a week this year. With that and swimming and playgroup she will certainly be busy! She has been such a mum's helper this year, helping me with cooking, cleaning, looking after the baby and just generally being by my side most of the time. That said, she has also been enjoying some really great independent role play games, mums and dads being a favourite :)

I returned to work late last year and after a lovely six week holiday the Captain and I will both be heading back to work next week. I'm working in a lovely ESL faculty for two days a week and I'm really looking forward to it.

We have suffered through a real heat wave this summer yet we've managed to get out and do some great things.
Highlights include: the Sydney aqaurium, watching the New Year's Eve fireworks from Pa and Julie's balcony, swimming at the pool, at the river and splashing in the sprinkler in the backyard. Our grass is well and truly dead but the Captain has lovingly tended to the vegie garden and we're now enjoying lettuce and tomatoes. The grapes and apples are covered to stop the birds from eating them and the corn has shot right up!! Lemon, orange and grapefruit trees are all heavy with fruit. There is something really satisfying about growing your own fruit and vegies :)

As mentioned Gaby and I have been having fun in the kitchen, Irish Barm Brack in the bread maker is a weekly staply, delicious with butter for breakfast.

We also made this creation for Tess's first birthday, which unfortunately caused her to break out :(

And this delicious carrot cake for her Baptism.

 Last winter we even got up the mountain to see some snow. We also saw this specatcular cutie!!!

 A baby hadrosauraus from Katie and The Dinosaurs made an appearance for Book Week. I couldn't believe how easy it was to make this costume! And without the tail (which is simply pinned on) the jacket is still being worn!!

A visit from the fire brigage at playgroup saw this little cutie climb into a fire engine for the first time. She was quite apprehensive about is and when I learnt that she was worried that they were going to drive off with her I could understand why!!

In October we lost my grandfather, a wonderful man who lived to the ripe age of 86. It was a hard loss for all of us, and the kids especially had a hard time understanding it. My mum and my gran seem to be doing well now, despite their loss. Christmas was a tough time without him and his ubiquitous cap, but we felt his spirit there with us.

A very busy year with ups and downs and I'm not really sure what this year is going to bring, especially as I face some of my own health challenges but my spirits are high and I realise how lucky and blessed I am to have this life.

I guess that's worth recording after all :)

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