Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...the storm has passed. It was a real doozy today, of almost apocalyptic proportions. There is still thunder rumbling in the distance but the air is cool - and not so so humid- and still now. Evening is descending and the crickets and cicadas are alive and singing.

I am I said the night insects are magical. The thunder is also hanging around. Christmas carols have also been playing as we continue to get in the mood for Christmas.

I am wearing... loose black pants and a white t-shirt. It's been a day for outfits, with the weather fluctuating so much!

Considering these words:
"We are already complete, whole and good, but we obscure this fact with our fears and desires."
-Buddhism for Mothers, by Sarah Napthali

I am get my Christmas shopping done, to try and get in a few nature walks before the holidays to help calm us all down, and perhaps even a brief sketch of a plan for the Christmas period. Who knows, it always changes :)

I am thankful for....southerly winds and a cool change in the evening. November has been way too hot and December seems to following in her footsteps.

I am reading...Buddhism for Mothers (again), Chocolat by Joanne Harris, and Of love and Shadows by Isabel Allende. Escapism anyone? And lots of Christmas books with the kids. I am trying to get the older two to memorise "The Night Before Christmas," which isn't working well yet but they have fun chanting the words out after me :)

From the kitchen: lasagne and roast chicken this week. I have yet to make the transition to summer meals.

Thinking about...Caves and their magical properties. New books and stories keep popping up in my head but there is never any time to write them down. Keep thinking about them then, and am always surprised when they wind themselves together with other stories already written.

Italy on my mind...

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