Monday, April 12, 2010

Autumn moments

When we got up this morning it was 11 degrees - inside! I was so excited, until the central heating pad went blank and I thought it wasn't working. Thakfully it found its inner light and pumped out the good stuff. I love it. I love the cold weather after what felt like a hot, looooooong summer!! And it's meant to get down to 2 degrees tonight, that's right folks - 2 DEGREES!!!!!!!

We had some friends come to visit and play this morning and my boy got all tuckered out. He's sound asleep and I've decided to take some time for a cup of tea and a book on the lounge. We had a very cozy lunch with some friends yesterday and I borrowed a bagful of books - ambitious I know! So right now, I'm going to heat up my wheat pack (my back, she ain't doin' so good) and lay on the lounge and get lost in The Time Traveller's Wife.

Ahh, heaven.....

Kirsty x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey happy blogger! My sister is reading TTTW at the moment - she loves it! I am in the midst of my own scrap pile - four pages in and three to go - all of the Minx's stuff that won't fit in a photo book of her first year... not my best work but with limited time and resources it is working out OK. I am off to shop - no not Aldi - REAL CLOTHES!! I know I will end up with bags full of size 1s but I live in hope of getting a little something for myself too! Have a great day - I miss the chill, it's 27 degrees up here still... Bring on winter!