Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope you've all scoffed about as much chocolate as I have and are now lying, incapacitated on the lounge too. Well, we survived - albeit barely - easter in our house. It began early yesterday morning, and I mean early. Having forgotten that daylight savings was ending we awoke at what turned out to be 5am! My son got his first chocolate at 6am (I know, someone call DOCS!!) It was a pretty chilly morning so we waited patiently for the sun to come up before we ventured outside for our Easter egg hunt. I was able to buy a really cute basket which we can keep for easters from now on, filled it with some books and a sweet little egg cup. He also got the tale of Peter Rabbit from Nana and a Thomas egg cup from Gran Nan, both big hits.
Because we chose not to celebrate Easter at the coast with my family this year (the thought of three hours smooshed into a car seat was enough to put me off, forget about toilet breaks, an impatient two year old and crazy holiday drivers!!!) it was my job to carry on the family tradition at our house. Normally my grandmother will dye hard boiled eggs red and we spend the morning competing with each other trying to crack each other's egg. Head to head, end to end. I thought it would be fun to dye some eggs (and the packet made it sound so simple) to hide in the garden so my boy wasn't searching for just MORE chocolate!! And because there are only three of us (still!) and there's only so much hard boiled egg one person can eat, I dyed only six eggs.

The orange was a poor effort so I tried again with green.

The end result wasn't too bad, although they did just look a bit rotten and not particularly colourful, but at least they looked dyed!

So that's another cavity-inducing holiday over and the best news is, the Captain only has four more days of term and then it's two weeks holidays!! YIPPEE!!

Anyway, I hope you've all had a happy and safe easter.


Kirsty x


Lisa said...

Is it just me or do your legs look dwarf-like in that photo?

Kirsty said...

Hahaha! That is so funny Lis! It's because they go down onto the bottom step, although it could just be because my belly has gotten so big that now everything else looks miniature! Hope you had a great easter too! x