Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shadows and cabbages

Hi all. Not much has been happening around our house this week. I've got another killer cold (it's the most times sick I've ever been - I blame the little people in my life) so we've been having a quiet week. We went out to the Belconnen Markets this morning, just because I thought we needed to get out and that it was a place where I could probably control my son with the added bonus of a great cafe and a huge park. My mother-in-law made a surprise visit and ended up coming with us. I wanted to buy some flowers and when I saw these beauties I had to have them.

She told me they were ornamental cabbages. Once I got them home I discovered that they also share another characteristic with the brassica brethren - they're a bit woofy. As in on the nose. So if you're going to get them, do what I did and get them when you're sick and can't smell a thing!!

Once home, my son and I made some cheese muffins (so good and so easy too - 1 cup self-raising flour, 1 cup cheese, 1 cup milk, paprika - I also added some ham just to mix it up) then sat in the one sliver of sun we get in our living room and ate about twenty of them. Here we are.

Off to the gong for the weekend, so I hope you all have a good one.

Kirsty x

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