Monday, August 9, 2010


1. Why do two and a half year old boys think that tipping water out of the cat's bowl and then proceeding to sprinkle it with litter all over the laundry floor and producing the following result fun?

2. Why am I always the only one at home when this happens?

3. Why is this laundry clean up then followed by a spilt milkshake all over my glorious (ha!) kitchen chairs and floor?

4. Why does this all happen before 9.30 in the morning?

5. Why does all this happen and then the baby wakes up crying?

6. Why did I think it would be a great idea to be a stay at home mum and not put my kids in childcare and go back to work like all the sane mothers do?

7. Why don't the kids nap at the same time?

8. Why does my dirty washing breed like rabbits in the spring time?

9. Why doesn't my laundry look like this?

10. Why do I still have a really bad cold when I truly am a healthy person?

11. Why does my poor little boy share the same cold, at the same time?

12. Why haven't they developed cold and flu tablets that are safe to take when breastfeeding?

13. Why, oh why do children go from one day to simply accepting everything you tell them with a lovely "yes mum," to suddenly answering every question, statement, comment, phrase, joke, snort or groan with "why??"

Kirsty x

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