Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Old Year Resolutions

With the countdown until the school holidays officially on – only three days to go!! – and six glorious weeks of summer holidays looming in front of us I have decided to make some resolutions for myself. These are two things I plan to do over the six week period. Don’t get me wrong I already have a list as long as my arm that I want to do, that includes organising photos and painting the pantry doors, but these are two special resolutions. The first one is a big one. I’ve decided that if I want to seriously consider being a writer, which I do, then I damn well have to write. And with the Captain home for six weeks there should be no excuses why I can't find the time to do so.

Therefore my first resolution is to finish a complete first draft of ONE of my novels. Any one, I don’t mind. And it’s not a plan, not an outline. But a full story, which one can read from beginning to end and have it make perfect sense. That’s my first resolution.

The second one is a bit more challenging. Which says a lot about me, because most people would consider writing a novel in six weeks challenging.

No this one involves food. Now when it comes to food I don't really do moderation. For me it's all or nothing. And since I got pregnant with my daughter LAST AUGUST it had been all. Especially sweet food. This last year I have baked and eaten more cakes, biscuits and slices than ever before in my whole life.

Today I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and for a split second thought "aw, a baby bumpt." Then I remembered that my daughter is almost 8 months old. I'm no longer pregnant. I'm just porky.

So, that's the second resolution. Cut out the crap. My son doesn't need it. I'm already worried about his teeth rattling around in his head. I sure as hell don't need it. My daughter doesn't need it. The Captain doesn't need it. But we all love it.

Especially now that it's Christmas time. Here's a quick inventory of some of the things in our pantry.

Panettone. An all time Christmas staple around here.

Image: Apartments Florence

There's really no excuse for not knowing what this delicious brioche/cake/breakfast good is...It's in every Woolies and Coles these days. And of course Aldi.

Dulce de Leche. Sweet caramel milk made into a spread. Evil. (And for even more evilness check out these recipes using it).

Image: freealfin.blogspot.com

Dulce de membrillo. A type of solidified jam eaten with crackers and cheese.

Image: freealfin.blogspot.com

They call it Martin Fiero in Argentina and Uruguary after a legenday poet. I don't know why so please don't ask me. If you must know, just google it.

Cadbury Favourites. A whole box. A Merry Christmas/thanks for babysitting present from a friend. I watched her son today and this is how she thanked me. I don't think she likes me much.

Candy canes. Self explanatory no??

So that is why this is such a challenge. Not only am I having to curtail my sweet tooth, I'm having to rip it out without an anaesthetic and flush it down the toliet.

You can see now why writing a 100,000 word novel is a piece of cake in comparison.

Mmmm, cake....

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm making my way through a box of Cadbury favourites as we speak so you'll get no help from me. Unless of course you want to give me all your chocolates - then I'd be happy to help!