Thursday, October 11, 2012

what the doctor ordered


Dr Who Season 7 has just finished up here. Booooo!!!!!!
Now we have to wait for Season 8 to begin. What does this mean? Well, for me, a very big Dr Who fan, it means a number of things.

1. I now have a free window of time from 7.30-8.30 every night.

2. Recently our DVD player broke (and the DVD player in the tv has been broken for a while) so my plan to send the Captain out to buy Season 1 of the Doctor to relive the magic right from the beginning during this sad, lull period, is a bit of a moot point.

3. I am no longer getting my daily fix of adventures in space and time.

4. The inspiration that the Doctor's fantastic character development, plot, settings (both time and space) and twists and turns inspire in me have left me feeling excited and restless.

Again, what does this mean???

Well, it means that I have made a big decision about my own writing. And I'm going to write it down here, because all experts say that you have more chance of achieving your goals if you write them down. So I am. Here. Now.

I propose that for three nights a week, from 7.30-8.30 I am going to devote myself to writing Finding Orpheus. This year it has undergone yet another facelift (what? no one's surprised to hear that?? hmm) and I'm really happy with where it is at and where it is heading in my mind. This way, I'll be getting my adventure fix, plus working with the inspiriation and ideas that have been floating around my mind for the last few months is very exciting.

So there you have it. I have publicly made this declaration and I am going to stick to it. I'll be on here next week to let you know how it has gone. I have big hopes for this week. This new Orpheus is currently sitting on 29,060 words. Maybe if this is successul I'll be able to make my goals into reaching word limits. Like I said, big hopes.

Anything inspired you this week??


Lisa said...

Go KV! How can your brain even think about anything to write at the moment, especially at 7:30 at night. My brain switches off at 6:30pm when the kids go to bed.

Also, can you please take off the "prove you're not a robot" words that I have to type when I comment. Half the time I can't comment because I can't fingure out what the words are.

Thanks, Lis

Kirsty said...

alright Lis, I think I've taken off the random word thing, but if I get any robots leaving comments on here then it's going back on!!