Friday, February 22, 2013

friday night tea

I've been having a bit of a battle with wheat and bread in particular lately. I suppose it comes down to the simple fact that I don't do things well in moderation. I'm either all in or all out. This rather unfortunate aspect of my personality has also seen me give up chocolate for Lent. Well, not entirely give it up. I'm not that crazy :) But I  have one block of dark chocolate which is to last me all of Lent.

I'm trying. That's all I can say.

Anyway, back to the wheat battle. My stomach is not as big a fan as my mouth and my consumption certainly hasn't made the whole getting-back-into-shape-post-baby thing any easier.

This has led me to try a few new dinner ideas that don't involve wheat. Of course this isn't easy, being the pasta-loving, bread-mopping, wheat-eating family that we are. And I haven't wanted to deprive the kids of one of their very important and much loved food groups. So tonight I made two dinners.

The kids had noodles with a quick tuna sauce, compromised of bechamel sauce, tuna and frozen peas, corn and carrot mix.

And we had this:

 Vegetable omelette with cheese and tuna. Delish.

First up was a grated home-grown zucchini. The home-grown part is not obligatory. Plus one-ish cup of cheese. Sorry I didn't measure :)

Four chopped up mushrooms and a little bit more cheese for good luck. 

 Four eggs. Some salt and pepper.

Then into the fry pan on a low heat for about ten minutes, or until egg is mostly cooked. Don't let it cook too long or else it will be too rubbery. Keep it a little bit runny on the top then slowly use a spatula or egg flip to prise up the sides and fold into an omelette shape. As you can see, mine isn't going to win any omelette-flipping contests but it sure did taste good. 

Served with a salad of baby spinach, home-grown tomatoes and olives and a good dollop of tinned tuna on top for that extra protein punch. I'm hoping that extra protein at dinner will help with my chocolate cravings come eight o'clock. So far...wishful thinking. I'm also hoping all that protein will give us the energy we need to get through the Canberra Show tomorrow! I must say we have some very excited animal-enthusiasts in the house already planning the days events :)

Buon appetito!

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